
Maia Sandu, interview for Financial Times: Moldovans live in peace today only thanks to Ukraine's armed forces

Moscow is trying to rebuild the Soviet Union and control the Republic of Moldova, President Maia Sandu told the Financial Times,, writes newsmaker.md. The head of state claims that Moldovans live in peace today only thanks to Ukraine's armed forces, which are "courageously" defending their country. Otherwise, Russia would not have stopped at the border, but would have invaded Moldova.

"I don't think they (the Russians) would have stopped at the border. Today we are safe only thanks to Ukraine ", the Moldovan president stressed, adding that in the first weeks of the large-scale invasion, when such a threat still existed, the country focused on Ukrainian refugees.

Asked whether she would leave Moldova in the event of an attack by the Russian Federation, she replied in the negative.

"I would have stayed (in Moldova - ed.), but I counted on the fact that we should help as many of our people as possible to move to a safe place, which is Romania", she said.

According to Maia Sandu, the Russians are trying to "remake the Soviet Union" with their aggression against Ukraine.

"They want to bring back the old times. And we don't want that. Moldova has been a buffer zone for 30 years, and for us it meant poverty, corruption, bad governance, emigration. We want to be part of the democratic world ", she stressed.

In February, commenting on and condemning Russia's war of aggression, the Moldovan President stressed that there was a serious threat of occupation of Moldova by Russian troops, but now this risk has significantly diminished.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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