
"Preparations are underway." Ukraine wants to ban all imports from the Republic of Moldova

The Ukrainian government is preparing a resolution to ban Moldovan imports. The announcement was made by Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture, Trade Representative of Ukraine Taras Kachka, quoted by Ukrainskaia Pravda.

"We have informed Chisinau that any restriction from Moldova will be considered an extremely unfriendly step and will entail the immediate ban of all imports from Moldova," the official said.

According to him, the introduction of such a ban has already been agreed and preparations are underway. We remind you that recently the Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry, Vladimir Bolea, communicated to his Ukrainian counterpart Mykola Solski about the intention of the Republic of Moldova to temporarily introduce a ban on the import of wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower from Ukraine, with the provision of transit through our country .

The Moldovan official said that the amount of domestic grain in warehouses is high, which puts pressure on our farmers.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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