
EU Ambassador's message on Europe Day: "The European Union is and will always be there for Moldova, for a successful country"

The Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, Jānis Mažeiks, sent a message to mark Europe Day.

"Dear friends, Europe Day is an occasion to celebrate peace and unity across Europe. On this day, we revive the European dream and reinvigorate European integration. Russia's brutal war of aggression against Ukraine has shown how important solidarity is to protect people's lives and maintain prosperity. The EU always stands in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, as well as the people of the Republic of Moldova," said Jānis Mažeiks.

In this context, he noted that the EU has mobilised unprecedented resources of around 20 billion lei to support the Republic of Moldova in overcoming several crises.

"The Republic of Moldova has chosen the European path, the path of reforms for the intangibility of human dignity. The path of respect for the fundamental freedoms of its citizens. The Republic of Moldova has chosen democracy and the rule of law and is fighting against the interests of those who criminalise the truth and arm lies. Moldova has chosen the path to a better destiny!", said the EU ambassador in Chisinau.

The Delegation of the European Union to Moldova, together with the embassies of the EU Member States, is marking Europe Day 2023 with a series of cultural, interactive and educational events in different regions of Moldova.

Under the theme EU-MOLDOVA: TOGETHER MORE POWERFUL, Europe Day 2023 activities will take place throughout May and will highlight the values and culture of the European Union, as well as the assistance provided by the EU and its Member States for the benefit of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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