
PSRM will submit a draft resolution on the "state capture" by the current government. PAS reacted

The Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova will register a draft resolution in Parliament to declare "state capture by the current government". The announcement was made today by PSRM Executive Secretary Igor Dodon at a briefing, Radio Moldova reports.

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PSRM Executive Secretary Igor Dodon said today that all the recent actions of the current government lead to "subjugation of state institutions and usurpation of power" in our country.

"We are witnessing the usurpation of the Republic of Moldova by Maia Sandu and the ruling party. Under these circumstances, we, socialists, have taken the decision to submit a draft resolution to Parliament, noting the capture of the state by Maia Sandu and the PAS Party. The draft will be proposed to the faction of the Bloc of Communists and Socialists to be presented and registered in Parliament, then it will be debated in plenary. We hope to have the support of the parliamentary parties as well," said Igor Dodon.

In reaction, PAS spokeswoman Aurica Jardan told Radio Moldova that in fact it was the former governments that captured the Republic of Moldova, and that by voting in the previous presidential and parliamentary elections, citizens showed their trust in PAS.

"The citizens gave us their trust to decapture the state, which was subjugated to foreign interests, and captured by communists, socialists, Plahotniuc, Șor, Platon. Our priority now is the reform of justice, the fight against corruption so that citizens will never again be dependent on the mercy of citizens," said Aurica Jardan.

The President of the Party for the Development and Consolidation of Moldova, Ion Chicu, has also signed a declaration noting the "undermining of the rule of law and usurpation of state power in the Republic of Moldova".

On June 8, 2019, the then PSRM and ACUM Bloc coalition, which also included PAS representatives, approved a declaration on state capture. The purpose of that declaration was to deoligarchize the state from the political influence of Vlad Plahotniuc, the leader of the Democratic Party.

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