
Bulboaca: Preparations for the pan-European summit on 1 June are in their final stages

The menu and drinks for delegations coming to the European Political Community Summit has been finalised. However, at the request of the authorities and in the context of security measures, the press is being kept away from the castle hosting the major event. Meanwhile, in Bulboaca, the construction work is in its final stages.

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Sursa: imagine simbol

For security reasons, journalists have been banned from the castle where the big event will take place. What is certain is that all the delegations coming to the summit of the European political community will be able to enjoy traditional dishes and an impressive variety of drinks, in total four types of wine and a sparkling wine. While the castle representatives have had to restrict access and keep secret what stage preparations for the event are at, the local authorities have assured us that they still have some work to do.

"Practically 90 percent of the work is completed. There are still some improvements, 10 percent routine, but by June 1, 100 percent will be done. As every citizen, you realise, and would like to dance not talk about the country to come, but especially in the locality. We are very pleased to host such an event and write history for the future," says the mayor of Bulboaca village, Ion Berzoi.

The people of Bulboaca take pride in the fact that on 1 June all of Europe will be watching their village. Many of the people we spoke to said they have high expectations of the event and that our country's place is in the European Union.

"Expectations are high. 50 presidents, I'm looking at 50 officials for the village of Bulboaca really is a pride. I also believe that in the future the village will develop, but also the Republic of Moldova. I am happy for that";

"We are proud. Before Bulboaca was not like this. Here we live close by. Not far.";

"We're glad, proud that this whole event is happening here. Expectations are high. Changes in the country. People know that in Moldova, in Bulboaca, it is happening in our home village."

The European Political Community Summit will take place on 1 June 2023, bringing together for the first time 50 European presidents, prime ministers and high dignitaries. The event will take place in the village of Bulboaca, Anenii Noi district, about 35 kilometres from Chisinau. The European Political Community is a pan-European governmental forum set up last year following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, serving as a platform that brings together European leaders to discuss and identify solutions to Europe's most pressing problems, such as security, stability and energy resilience.

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