
Deputies will adopt the draft resolution on the "European Moldova" Assembly resolution

Today, MPs meet for a new session. Several projects are on the agenda. Among them is the draft resolution on the Resolution of the "European Moldova" Assembly, adopted in the Great National Assembly Square on 21 May 2023.

"The demands of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova indicated in the Resolution of the "European Moldova" Assembly, adopted in the Great National Assembly Square on 21 May 2023, are noted and fully supported. It continues to declare the irreversible path of European integration and accession as a national priority project of the Republic of Moldova and calls on the whole society, including all political forces, to show maturity, unity and solidarity in order to strengthen the political and social dialogue in the name of the national interest - the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union," the document reads.

Parliament will also examine the government's proposal to extend the state of emergency. The annual activity report of the public media service provider Teleradio-Moldova Company for 2022 and the report on the execution of the budget of the public institution Teleradio-Moldova Company for the previous year will also be presented in the plenary session of Parliament.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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