
Lina Malcoci for Moldova 1 TV: An increasing number of students from the Republic of Moldova are victims of bullying in schools

Almost half of the students in the Republic of Moldova, aged between ten and 18, declared that they were victims of violence, called, more recently, bullying, while 41.1% admitted that they were aggressors. Meanwhile, the statistical data recently made public by UNICEF show worrying figures: almost 71 percent of all students in the Republic of Moldova studying in gymnasium and lyceum are victims of bullying. The subject was addressed today in the news program at 1:00 p.m., with Lina Malcoci, communication manager within the "Keystone Moldova" Organization.

The representative of the "Keystone Moldova" Organization, Lina Malcoci, claims that the phenomenon of bullying is very widespread in the schools of the Republic of Moldova. One reason, according to her, would be the fact that neither parents nor pedagogues often identify and recognize this phenomenon. "Seminars are held where teachers are trained how to recognize it and what to do in these cases. Very rarely do pedagogues and parents identify and recognize this phenomenon. (…) More information is needed for children, teachers, and parents. They need to learn how they can find in their child a potential child who is a victim of bullying or a potential child who initiates this behavior", said Lina Malcoci for Moldova 1 TV. According to the cited source, not identified in time, bullying can cause significant damage. Children subject to this phenomenon are prone to depression, dropping out of school or even committing suicide, claims the "Keystone Moldova" representative. It should be noted that a recent study carried out by the "UNICEF" organization attests that 70.8 percent of the total number of 6th - 12th grade students in the Republic of Moldova are victims of bullying. They were constantly physically, verbally, or humiliated by their classmates. Meanwhile, according to the same study, 75.6 percent of schoolchildren witnessed such a situation, and 41.1 percent were perpetrators.

The "Keystone Moldova" organization proposed, in this context, by launching the "Forum Theatre", to educate society through a non-formal way to stop discrimination and violence in educational institutions. The action has been implemented in our country for more than four years. More details on this topic can be found in the video!

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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