
Two Moldovan servicemen injured during clashes in northern Kosovo; Defence Ministry: 'They are out of danger'

Two Moldovan servicemen from the KFOR peacekeeping mission in Kosovo suffered minor injuries during clashes with protesters in the north of the country, Moldova's Defence Ministry said in a statement. According to the source, both are out of danger, as are all peacekeepers in the Moldovan contingent. The Moldovan soldiers have returned to their permanent place of deployment and are continuing their missions as mandated, the source added.

"The National Army contingent is carrying out specific actions carried out in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1244. The mission of KFOR troops is to provide security to all communities in accordance with its mandate as set out in that Resolution. We are in constant contact with our military contingent KFOR-18 in Kosovo. They are working according to schedule in their area of responsibility," the Ministry of Defence statement added.

According to information provided by the Hungarian Ministry of Defence, more than 20 Hungarian soldiers were among the wounded, seven of whom were seriously injured.

Tensions in Kosovo have risen in the past week after ethnic Albanian mayors took office in northern Kosovo, a majority Serb-populated area, following elections in April that Kosovo Serbs boycotted, CNN reports.

NATO's Kosovo Force (KFOR) said recent developments prompted peacekeepers to increase their presence in northern Kosovo yesterday morning after actions turned violent.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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