
The Republic of Moldova will become a regional centre of digital transformation for three days

Our country will host the "Moldova Digital Summit", which will bring together national and international experts to discuss the innovative impact of Artificial Intelligence. The forum will focus on several areas, such as the implementation of next-generation technologies in agriculture, medicine, or business. The event is organised by ATIC under the auspices of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova.

"At the summit we will announce new digital services designed for our country to continue to be among the top countries with digital public services for the benefit of citizens, to become more transparent, more efficient for open governance for business and investment. The theme of the event is 'evolving for a borderless future' and reconfirms the aspirations to become a true hub for Eastern Europe offering important technological resources," said Daniel Voda, Government Spokesperson.

The Summit will offer three days of sessions and discussions on digital transformation and will bring to the fore international experience on strategies, policies, legislative frameworks in the field of digital economic development. Guests from Romania, Estonia, Latvia, UK, Germany, Belgium, USA will share their countries' experiences and how they have implemented technologies in various fields of activity, including citizen-centric public solutions and shared digital infrastructure.

"Moldova Digital Summit" is the major event of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry in our country.

The Summit is an effective dialogue platform for actors involved in the digital industry so that technology provides solutions to the most complex national problems.

Thus, the Summit will enable Chisinau to become a true hub in Central and Eastern Europe, promoting a comprehensive platform for access to important technological resources, expertise, know-how, as well as collaboration and investment opportunities. The "Moldova Digital Summit" will take place on 15-17 June in Tekwil.

The event is organised by ATIC under the aegis of the Prime Minister and funded by USAID, the governments of Sweden, UK, Germany, Switzerland and the EU Delegation. Other international and local partners such as GIZ Moldova, the Investment Agency, AmCham, Orange, UNDP and others have also contributed to the event.

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