
Dragalin threatens her subordinates. The PA press service has confirmed the authenticity of the recording, but says the message was taken out of context

An audio recording emerged in the public space in which the head of the Anti Corruption Prosecutor's Office (PA), Veronica Dragalin, threatened her subordinates with searches and arrests. The press service of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office confirmed the authenticity of the audio recordings and said the message was taken out of context and urged the person to publish the entire speech.

The audio recording was allegedly made at a meeting on 7 June organised by Dragalin with prosecutors and National Anti-Corruption Centre officers. At one point Dragalin allegedly threatened subordinates with searches and files and asked those who felt uncomfortable to voluntarily resign to avoid this.

"And I have no patience, I will personally go in with teams of masks, to someone's house at 6 am, to your children, your wives, your husbands, to be arrested, put in handcuffs and sent to prison. I can't wait for that to happen. I personally will be there!" warned Veronica Dragalin, head of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office.

The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office confirms that the recording is authentic, but Veronica Dragălin's reaction states that it is only a portion of the audio from the meeting in early June with the entire Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office staff. She also claims that the speech was recorded illegally and urged the person in question to publish the entire speech. Dragalin also reiterated that corrupt criminals have something to fear as there would be recordings proving their guilt.

"The recording is authentic, it is a portion of the meeting that took place on June 7, 2023 at 9:00 am with the entire staff of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office in the room on the 5th floor of the NAC headquarters, where there were no people present outside the PA staff. My speech was illegally recorded without my knowledge. I encourage this person or persons to publish the entire speech. I have nothing to fear because I have never said anything that I am not ready to say in public. Corrupt criminals have something to fear because we have recordings that prove their guilt", Veronica Dragalin reacted.

On Wednesday 7 June, during a meeting, Veronica Dragalin allegedly threatened her subordinates with searches and files and asked those who feel uncomfortable to voluntarily resign to avoid this. In addition to anti-corruption prosecutors, she also invited CNA officers, but asked them not to tell their boss, Iulian Rusu, because the meeting was secret. However, someone reported to Rusu and he did attend the meeting. Dragalin allegedly asked the CNA director to leave the room, and when he headed for the exit, his subordinates followed him. Subsequently, NAC officers filed a collective complaint against the head of the PA, Veronica Dragalin, accusing her of intimidation, which she rejected.

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