
Republic of Moldova adopted the Declaration of Sovereignty 33 years ago

Today, June 23, it turns 33 years since the Republic of Moldova adopted the Declaration of Sovereignty. The adoption of this document was the first important victory of the democratic forces in the struggle for national revival and liberation.

Facebook/Maia Sandu
Sursa: Facebook/Maia Sandu

According to historians, the Declaration was adopted in a complex historical context, marked by a parade of sovereignty, a process that encompassed the entire Soviet space. The Declaration of Sovereignty served as the basis for the drafting of the new Constitution of the country, which was voted on July 29, 1994.

Estonia first declared its sovereignty in November 1988, followed by Lithuania in April 1989 and Latvia in July 1989. Meanwhile, Lithuania declared its State Independence on March 11, 1990. The Republic of Moldova's Declaration of Sovereignty had also been preceded by that of Georgia on May 26, 1990 and Russia on June 12, 1990.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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