
Customs clearance of means of transport older than 7 years: the Customs Service clarifies

Means of transport with foreign numbers with a period of operation of more than 7 years at the date of payment of import duties, which circulate on the territory of the Republic of Moldova for at least 90 cumulative days, are placed under the customs import procedure. Drivers will pay excise duty in the amount of 30% of the rate set for 2023.

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Sursa: imagine simbol

If the temporary admission period of 180 days or 3 years has been violated, then the customs official will be obliged to impose fines for exceeding the period of stay of the means of transport on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, explained Valeriu Cozarev, head of the customs destination section of the Customs Service. According to him, another condition is that the means of transport should not be sent to the territory of our country. If this is found by the Customs Service, a complaint will be filed and both persons will be liable for the fine. Full payment of the vignette will also be checked.

"These means of transport must have been introduced and declared by actions between 1 July 2017 and 31 December 2022. During this period, these means of transport must have been on the territory of the Republic of Moldova for a cumulative period of 90 days. Proof of payment of the full amount of the fee must be provided. At the time of customs clearance they are obliged to present the customs declaration DV6, the technical passport of the means of transport, the contract or other document proving the right of ownership of this means of transport", explained the official.

Valeriu Cozarev also said that owners of cars with foreign registration numbers that have been damaged or sold for parts will pay a one-off fee of 15 thousand lei to be excluded from the Customs Service Information System.

As of 1 January 2024, the new Customs Code will enter into force, and one of its provisions is the limitation of the presence on the territory of the Republic of Moldova up to 180 days during a year of means of transport that have plates with a registration number on the territory of another state.

Currently, there are about 180 thousand means of transport circulating in the Republic of Moldova which are placed under the customs procedure of temporary admission. 15 thousand of these are registered in Romania.

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