
Maia Sandu visited several localities in the Călărași district: Citizens talked about their problems

The lack of aqueduct and sewerage, as well as critical infrastructure, are just some of the problems faced by the inhabitants of several villages in Calarasi. President Maia Sandu visited several localities in the district today, where she put the people's problems on the agenda, but she also had a meeting with an entrepreneur who managed to develop a successful business at home.

The inhabitants of the villages of Vălcineț and Pitușca say that thanks to the central authorities, but also to the European Union, several projects have been carried out, yet there are still many problems to be solved.

"One of the problems would be the liquidation of the patent, I say that the liquidation of the patent will give rise to a new wave of departure abroad."

"We have been producing grapes since '72-'75. I want you to talk to Mr. Bolea, but not only with him, with someone to deal with Poland, where Moldovan wine goes, it needs to be exported."

"We have a former hospital on the territory of the village, a big hospital. Now it is in disrepair, it would be very welcome to be renovated, to be a hospital or a nursing home."

The mayors of the localities also spoke about their problems.

"We have a one-kilometer stretch of road, which separates as a border, but on both sides of the road there are residents, they live and always feel the dust ", mentioned the mayor of the village of Pitușca, Vasile Tataru.

"Though the resources in the budget are less than we hoped, the Parliament has allocated some money, more money for the repair of the roads, including between the localities", said the president Maia Sandu.

"It would be welcome if, through a government decision, it was transferred to the village, it is in the center, it would be good if there was a restaurant for needy people or an old people's home," said the mayor of the village of Vălcineț, Ion Sili.

During the visit, Maia Sandu spoke about our country's problems such as justice reform or the fight against corruption. “Because of the war we have several negative effects, first of all the price crisis, the rise in prices which has affected every person in this room and across the country. We are trying to clean the state institutions that should protect us, but we are trying to strengthen them so that they are stronger", declared the head of state.

President Maia Sandu also visited a bakery in the city of Călăraşi that has been active for 20 years. During this time, she benefited from help from the state.

"We started everything from scratch with a few employees and gradually, through subsidies, through loans, with the help of various financings, here is what we have now. We have the whole assortment of bakery products", said the entrepreneur Tatiana Ciobanu.

Călăraşi district has over 64 thousand inhabitants.

Valeria Văcărescu

Valeria Văcărescu


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