
"European Village Express": 399 projects worth about 170 million lei to be implemented

The executive will identify new funding opportunities for projects aimed at developing towns and rural areas. Thus, at the initiative of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development, the Cabinet of Ministers approved amendments to the Single Programme Document (SPD) for the years 2022-2024, which will be supplemented with projects selected under the National Programme "European Village Express" - a continuation of the National Programme "European Village".

Given the large number of concept notes submitted under the call for proposals - 680 so far - 399 projects have been selected with a value of about 172.3 million lei, money allocated from the state budget through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development (FNDRL).

The majority of projects have been submitted for the rehabilitation of sports and social infrastructure - 192 projects, while another 70 local initiatives concern the modernisation of public lighting systems. For the rehabilitation of public buildings, 64 projects will be implemented and 46 initiatives have been selected for the renovation of cultural centres. Energy efficiency projects will also be carried out in a further 27 localities, through the installation of energy production and supply systems using renewable resources. As a result of the implementation of additional projects included in the SPD, another 164 thousand citizens will benefit from better living conditions.

The evaluation of the concept notes was carried out by the Interministerial Evaluation Committee, whose work was focused on examining the eligibility of the projects and the relevance of the actions proposed by the applicants. The findings and assessment of the applications were therefore presented by department, based on a project evaluation sheet, with a certain score awarded.

In addition, the Government is also supporting the conditions under which childcare services for children up to 3 years of age will be provided by expanding the number of crèches. To this end, a competition has been organised in the framework of the competitive call for small grants, in which the first level local public authorities whose municipalities have a population of more than 5000 inhabitants participated. As a result, 22 projects for the construction/rehabilitation of crèches were selected, with a value of 10 million lei.

"We have 917 projects in the pipeline - 496 under the European Village, 399 under the European Express Village and 22 projects for the construction and rehabilitation of crèches, so that we can move from the European Village to a European Moldova," said Minister Lilia Dabija.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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