
"In Context" // Sergiu Caraman: Most judges are willing to pass the external evaluation

The President of the Superior Council of Magistracy, Sergiu Caraman told the programme "In Context" that most judges are willing to pass the external evaluation. However, the success of the reform depends on those who are undecided who can tip the balance. The fact that the SJC will have the final say in the evaluation process plays an important role.

"The thirty-something percent of undecided magistrates will join those who are for reform or those who oppose it. But on the other hand I would mention that more than 60 percent of the magistrates who were surveyed still said that if they had a choice they are ready to go for external evaluation", said Sergiu Caraman, President of the SCM.

Moldovan judges, prosecutors and lawyers were asked what they think about the current state of justice and initiatives to reform it. How many of them believe that judicial experts are independent or make decisions without outside influence, according to a survey presented today. Justice officials see the survey results as a signal to the authorities.

The vast majority of judges and prosecutors believe the lack of trust in the judiciary is due to political attacks.

Ana Stegarescu

Ana Stegarescu


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