
Parliament appoints a new Ombudsman for children's rights

Vasile Coroi was appointed People's Advocate for children's rights. His candidacy was supported by 53 deputies.

Vasile Coroi's candidacy was selected as a result of the public competition organized by the Special Commission for the selection of candidates for the position of People's Advocate for Children's Rights.

According to the Parliament, Vasile Coroi has 14 years of experience in the field of children's rights, and before he was appointed to the new position, he worked as the executive director of the Center for Information and Documentation on Children's Rights.

Since this June, Vasile Coroi has been the president of the Commission for pardoning convicted persons under the president of the Republic of Moldova. We remind that, according to the legislation, the People's Advocate for the rights of the child is appointed to the position with the vote of the majority of the elected deputies, for a term of seven years, which cannot be renewed.

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