
Recean, on the annulment of the decisions of the Pre-Vetting Commission by the SCJ: We will insist on having legislation that allows the system to clean itself up

The authorities will insist on the creation of a legislation that will allow the self-cleaning of the justice system, Prime Minister Dorin Recean stressed during Wednesday's Cabinet meeting. The official, referring to the Supreme Court's decision to annul the decisions of the Pre-Vetting Commission, warned that those who contributed to such decisions will be held accountable under the law.

"I want to say to the corrupt minority in the judges' ranks that you did not surprise us. Continue to perpetuate this effort and resist the self-cleansing effort. I looked there is some copy-paste and a defiance effort has been attempted. You will not succeed. We will continue to insist that we have legislation that allows for self-cleaning of the system. I also looked at the texts - some of them, I understand, were written outside the Court. I want to caution those who participate in such an effort that it contributes to the perpetuation of corruption. And all those who participated in these actions will be held accountable under the law."

Olesea Stamate, chairwoman of the Committee on Legal Affairs, Appointments and Immunities, also reacted harshly to the decisions of the SCJ. According to her, this clearly shows that some judges do not want to be evaluated and some corrupt groups are trying to block the extraordinary evaluation of judges and prosecutors.

On 1 August, the Supreme Court of Justice annulled all the decisions of the Independent Integrity Assessment Commission for candidates for membership of the self-administrative bodies of judges and prosecutors - the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) and the Superior Prosecutorial Council (SPC).

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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