
Goodies direct from the producer: in the sectors of the capital and this weekend were organized fairs with local products

This weekend too, local agricultural producers were able to sell their wares at markets and fairs open in the capital's sectors. According to the authorities, the actions aim to support local producers and provide the city's residents with seasonal agricultural products.

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Sursa: imagine simbol

Fruits, vegetables, honey, sweets, wines, cold cuts, cheeses, teas and other goodies: all could be found at the agricultural fair held in the capital's "Alunelul" park. Angela Bejenari from the village of Plop, Dondușeni district, brought her organically certified tomatoes and cucumbers to the fair.

"There is taste, there are local products, there are selected seeds from grandmother and great-grandmother, there are all varieties. We like what we do and we try it too, we also have organic pomaceous. The market for me is an opportunity to be face to face with the consumer and give them the opportunity to taste, to explain what the eco product means," says the producer.

More than 80 producers from all over the country exhibited their products at the fair.

"We come from Nisporeni, Boldurești. Our farm is under the foothills of the forest and we come with honey from acacia, may, lime, polyfloral and rape. Prices start from 100 lei to 170 lei. We have honey and honeycomb, we have honey and nuts. We have both new and old customers who come and look for us. These fairs are welcome," says beekeeper Natalia Miron.

"Our grapes are good, everything is sprinkled in the norm - Where do you grow them? - In Durlești. For me, this market is a breath of fresh air, where I can sell my produce myself and not give it away through middlemen. He takes it from us for 15 lei and sells it for 30 lei, but I sell it here for at least 20 lei to cover my expenses", says Tatiana Crudu.

"We have a marigold plantation, we came to the fair with products derived from them. We have tincture, cream, oil, lip balm, heel cream and already teas that are very good for cleansing the liver and blood. Here they can test them, we can guide them," says Lidia Brîncovan from Hincesti district.

The fair was full of visitors. People queued up at the stalls with goodies.

"Here we are choosing grapes from this lady for our granddaughter. We buy parsnips and we buy cheese. - How do the prices seem to you? - They are just like at the market, but the service is at a higher level.";

"It's very tasty honey, but there's a lot of it and we choose, we can't decide where it tastes better.";

"Great, for everyone it's choice. Wishers can come and get what they want."

Local produce fairs will be held in all parts of the capital over the coming weekends until the end of the summer.

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