
Firefighters battle 70+ vegetation fires

Firefighters in Moldova have responded to more than 70 cases of vegetation fires in the last 24 hours, destroying a total of 166 hectares of dry vegetation in several localities across the country.

Sursa: IGSU/Telegram

The most serious fires occurred in the village of Botnarestii Noi, Anenii Noi district, where 50 hectares of dry vegetation and 10 auxiliary buildings were destroyed. A fire also broke out in a forest in the village of Chișcăreni, Sângerei district, affecting seven hectares of land.

Another ten hectares of dry grass were destroyed by fire in the village of Hîjdieni, Glodeni district. An apple and pear orchard in the village of Zăicana, Criuleni district, was also damaged by fire.

The Inspectorate General for Emergency Situations (IGSU) has repeatedly warned the population about the high risk of vegetation fires, especially during hot and dry weather.

"High temperatures and low humidity favour the spread of flames as a result of non-compliance with fire regulations. Citizens are therefore asked to strictly observe safety and fire safety rules. The fire brigade urges people to avoid using open fires around agricultural land, forestry and recreational areas, as well as in private households," IGSU said.

The agency also urged parents to monitor children's activities and restrict their play with sources of ignition and easily flammable liquids. Agricultural workers were also asked not to refuel their equipment with fuels and lubricants on the territory of agricultural land, but only in specially designated places.

The State Hydrometeorological Service has forecast that the maximum air temperature in Moldova will reach +33...+35°C in the coming days, and in the south of the country between +33...+36°C. This could further increase the risk of vegetation fires.

The IGSU has called on the public to be vigilant and to take all necessary precautions to prevent vegetation fires.

Sursa: IGSU/Telegram
Sursa: IGSU/Telegram
Valeria Văcărescu

Valeria Văcărescu


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