AIPA grants over 1.9 billion lei in subsidies to farmers
The Agricultural Intervention and Payments Agency (AIPA) has granted over 1.9 billion lei (about $38 million) in subsidies to farmers so far this year, an increase of 17% over last year.

Most of the money has been granted for loan repayments and for the development of post-harvest and processing infrastructure. For loans accessed, farmers received subsidies of 213 million lei, and for the development of post-harvest infrastructure - 200 million lei. Those who bought agricultural machinery were also subsidised with 160 million lei. And for the revitalisation of the livestock sector, AIPA paid subsidies worth 100 million lei.
Of the total payments made so far, 86% or almost 935 million lei has gone to farmers. Local Public Administrations have received almost 140 million lei from AIPA and almost 20 million lei has been transferred to the Wine Fund.
AIPA states that it currently has 704 subsidy files still under consideration. Of these, 294 do not have all the necessary documents, which creates a difficulty for the examination. The agency points out that until 30 September, farmers can submit applications for subsidising purchased diesel.