
USAID drones to help Moldova secure energy infrastructure

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has donated 10 drones to Moldelectrica, the national electricity company of Moldova. The donation, worth approximately $1 million, is intended to help strengthen the country's energy security and resilience.

The drones are equipped with state-of-the-art digital monitoring systems for power lines. They will enable Moldelectrica to improve the efficiency of its power grid monitoring by collecting detailed aerial images over large areas, reducing the cost of data collection.

Moldelectrica employees will be trained to use the drones for both routine grid monitoring and emergency scenarios involving energy infrastructure.

USAID has been working with Moldelectrica for over a decade on a variety of projects aimed at strengthening the institution's cybersecurity, conducting feasibility studies in the field of renewable energy, and facilitating the interconnection of Moldova's power system with that of Romania, and ultimately with that of continental Europe's ENTSO-E.

The drone donation is one of the key elements of USAID's ongoing commitment to support Moldova's efforts to strengthen and diversify its energy sector.

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