
BNS: Census pilot helps ensure success of 2024 census

The National Bureau of Statistics (BNS) of Moldova announced today that a pilot census will be conducted in 11 communities across the country from August 28 to October 10, 2023. The pilot census will be the first to use tablets and modern data collection methods.

The pilot census will collect data on demographic, social, and economic characteristics of the population, households, and their dwellings. It will consist of three questionnaires: one for each person, one for each building and dwelling, and one for each collective dwelling. The information provided by respondents will be confidential, and participation is mandatory.

Data will be collected by 160 census takers employed by BNS, as well as supervisors and other temporary staff. These individuals will be equipped with identification cards, bags, and tablets bearing the census logo.

BNS Director Oleg Cara said that the pilot census is an essential step in preparing for a full census. It will help to test the methodology, questionnaires, data collection methods, and other aspects of the census operation.

"The pilot census will also help us to better understand the challenges and potential obstacles to the successful conduct of the full census in 2024, ensuring that we collect high-quality data," Cara said.

Government Secretary General Artur Mija said that the census will provide important statistical data for the development of effective public policies. He stressed that the participation of citizens is essential to the success of the census.

"The active participation and cooperation of citizens are of great importance, including at the pilot stage," Mija said. "The data collected will help us to get a real picture of our communities and make the changes we want."

The pilot census is being supported by a project called "Support to the National Bureau of Statistics for the Conduct of the 2024 Population and Housing Census," which is funded by the European Union and co-funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The project began in June 2023 and will run for 30 months. It aims to improve the institutional capacity of BNS in the preparation and conduct of the 2024 census. The value of the project is €2.075 million, of which €2 million is from the European Union and €75,000 is from UNFPA.

"Accurate information about the population and housing is essential for the development of policies in areas such as health, education, social protection, and local public administration reform," said Jānis Mažeiks, the European Union Ambassador to Moldova. "It is also important for the correct allocation of budgetary funds. The European Union is supporting the conduct of the census by providing technical assistance and equipment that will help to digitize the data collection and processing process in accordance with European and international standards."

UNFPA Resident Representative Nigina Abaszada said that strengthening the capacity of the National Bureau of Statistics to generate data on the population remains a priority for the current UNFPA Country Programme for 2023-2027.

"The conduct of the census is an important step in aligning Moldova with international standards and recommendations in the field of population statistics and strengthening the demographic resilience of the country," Abaszada said. "Reliable data is important for the authorities to plan their budget framework and adjust policies in an efficient and transparent manner, taking into account demographic changes and trends, as well as the needs of the people."

The 2024 national population and housing census will be conducted with the financial and technical support of the European Union and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The last population and housing census in Moldova was conducted in 2014.

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