
High rent costs drive Moldovan students to dormitories

High rent costs in Moldova have driven many students to move into dormitories, according to officials at the Technical University of Moldova.

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In recent days, students, including freshmen, have begun to move into the university's dormitories. They are settling into their rooms and getting ready for a new chapter in their lives.

The dormitories at the Technical University of Moldova have been fully renovated, with new furniture, appliances, and other amenities. In response to student demand, the administration of the dormitories has increased the number of available beds this year.

Daniela Ursan, a third-year student at the Technical University of Moldova, says that she is happy with the conditions in the dormitory.

"I already have experience from college, and I also lived in a dormitory my freshman year," Ursan said. "The conditions are definitely good, and dormitory life is interesting."

Other students are also pleased with the dormitories.

"I've been living in the dormitory for two years, and this is my third year," said one student. "The conditions are pretty good, and I wouldn't say they're bad."

"The conditions are pretty good," said another student. "There was a renovation last summer, and it was supposed to be finished this year. I don't know, I'll see when I move in."

"I brought plums, apples, and some potatoes and onions from the country," said a third student. "We have very good conditions, which makes me happy. As you can see, I've already put up some curtains, and it looks great."

The cost of a dorm room at the Technical University of Moldova ranges from 450 to 565 lei per month, depending on the level of comfort.

"Each floor has a kitchen with a stove," said Oxana Uzun-Negrescu, the dormitory manager at the Technical University of Moldova. "We have a washing machine in each room, and each kitchen has a microwave. All the rooms have been renovated, and the monthly fee has not changed from last year, at 565 lei."

Uzun-Negrescu said that the number of students applying for dormitory housing has increased this year. She attributed this to the rising cost of rent in Moldova.

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