
Moldova's education system needs a major overhaul, says former minister

Ex-minister Anatolie Gremalschi says that Moldova's education system needs to focus on quality, not quantity.

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In an interview with Moldova 1, Gremalschi said that the country's education system is facing a number of challenges, including a lack of qualified teachers, an ageing teaching force, and an overabundance of schools.

Gremalschi said that the lack of qualified teachers is a major problem, as it is leading to overcrowded classrooms and a decline in the quality of education. He also said that the ageing teaching force is a concern, as it will lead to a shortage of teachers in the future.

Gremalschi also criticised the country's overabundance of schools, saying that it is a waste of resources and that it is contributing to the decline in quality education. He called for a consolidation of schools, particularly in rural areas.

In addition to these challenges, Gremalschi said that the country's education system is also too focused on grades and diplomas, which he says is leading to a decline in critical thinking skills. He called for a shift to a more competency-based approach to education.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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