
Drought, carelessness cause wildfires in Moldova

In Moldova, the number of wildfires has surged in recent weeks, as drought and human carelessness have created ideal conditions for fires to spread.

The Inspectorate General for Emergency Situations (IGSU) has repeatedly warned citizens not to set fires to dry vegetation, as even a single cigarette butt or match could spark a devastating blaze.

In hot, dry conditions with strong winds, even a spark can cause a major fire.

A few days ago, a fire broke out in the village of Stăuceni, near the capital of Chișinău, burning an estimated 90 hectares of dry vegetation.

Four fire crews and local residents worked to extinguish the blaze, which prevented it from spreading to homes.

The fire destroyed several agricultural fields, including vineyards.

Local residents said that they could see the flames and thick smoke from a distance.

They believe that the fire was caused by someone discarding a lit cigarette or match.

“They had a barbecue or something and then left, but then it started to burn,” said one resident. “The firefighters came and put it out, but it almost reached people’s homes.”

Another resident said that he is now more careful about disposing of cigarettes and matches.

“I know it’s dangerous,” he said. “I collect and throw them away in the trash.”

IGSU firefighters are urging people to avoid using open flames on dry vegetation, near forests, or in recreational areas.

They are also warning parents to supervise children closely to prevent them from playing with fire.

“The Inspectorate General for Emergency Situations urges people to follow fire safety rules,” said IGSU spokesperson Liliana Pușcașu. “Avoid using open flames in fields. In case of danger, call 112 immediately.”

According to meteorologists, the risk of wildfires will remain high in Moldova until September 14.

Translaton by Iurie Tataru

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