
3 more candidates announce bids for Chisinau mayor

Three more candidates have announced their intention to run for mayor of the capital of Moldova, Chisinau. They are: Oleg Burlacu, the vice mayor of Sector 5 of Bucharest, Romania, running on behalf of the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova; Andrei Donica, the current mayor of the commune of Condrița and the president of the Professionals' Movement "Hope"; and Teodor Carnat, an expert in constitutional law, running as an independent.

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Burlacu and Carnat have both spoken about their electoral programs, while Donica has only announced his designation by the Republican Council of the movement he leads.

Burlacu, the PLDM candidate, was introduced to the public by party leader Vlad Filat, who gave him a glowing endorsement. Burlacu, for his part, was more concise, speaking about his background in law, how he met Filat, and the offer he received from the PLDM. He said he wants to establish performance indicators and attract investors in the city.

"I will go with the PLDM and Mr. Filat in these elections for the mayor's office of Chisinau," Burlacu said. "We share with Mr. Filat visions, objectives, and the same life principles. Politicisation has no place in local government, and that is an objective I set for myself to eliminate."

Carnat, the independent candidate, said he has the experience necessary to lead the Chisinau municipality and presented some of his goals. He has previously run for mayor, but won only 0.85% of the vote. Carnat said he has written a manifesto entitled "A New Chisinau, This Is My Manifesto," which he read aloud.

"We will make sidewalks, streets, kindergartens, schools, and universities safe," Carnat said. "We will install panic buttons in all institutions. We will insist that large families, those with more than three children, will not pay the unified tax."

Donica, the president of the Professionals' Movement "Hope" and the mayor of Condrița, did not discuss his electoral program, but only announced that he was the designated candidate.

"With great pleasure, I want to announce that I will participate in the electoral campaign," Donica said. "I really want to say that there are very big things, very big problems, and very serious things in Chisinau."

As of this writing, 18 people have announced their candidacies for mayor of Chisinau.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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