A moment of silence will be held on September 16, at 12:00 in memory of the First President, Mircea Snegur
The Holy Liturgy will be organized at 7:00 a.m., at the Metropolitan Cathedral. Later, at 9:45, the funeral cortege will move to the Republican Palace, where the funeral ceremony will take place.

At 12:00, a moment of silence will be held to honor the memory of Mircea Snegur, after which a mourning rally will take place, during which top officials will give speeches.
An hour later, the funeral cortege will move to the Great National Assembly Square, where the Declaration of Independence was adopted in 1991. At 1:45 p.m., the funeral cortege will move to the Central Cemetery in Armeneasca street, where at 2:30 p.m. the farewell procession from Mircea Snegur will take place.
the flags will be flown at full mast in all localities in the country, as well as in the diplomatic and consular missions of our country abroad. The funerals will be broadcast live by Moldova 1 TV.