
LIVE Day of national mourning/ Funerals of the First President Mircea Snegur today

The first president of the Republic of Moldova, Mircea Snegur, will be buried today. It is a day of national mourning throughout the country. Mircea Snegur was an active supporter of the national renaissance movement and had an essential role in promoting the independence, freedom and sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova, according to the obituary of the Presidency.

UPDATE 14:50 The funeral cortege arrived at the Central Cemetery in Chisinau, where Mircea Snegur will be buried.

UPDATE 12:10 The Republic of Moldova is losing not only a founding father, but also a true politician, said the head of state Maia Sandu at the commemoration rally of the country's first president. Mircea Snegur took on the mission of turning people's desire to live freely into reality, said Maia Sandu.

Condolence messages were also sent by the deputy in the first Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, Constantin Tampiza, who was with Mircea Snegur until the last moments of his life. According to him, the first president of the country passed on to the eternal with a feeling of gratitude for the doctors who took care of him.

UPDATE 12:00 A minute of silence is held in memory of the country's first president, Mircea Snegur.

Top officials, politicians, ambassadors, people of culture and common citizens came to the Palace of the Republic to pay their last respects. In a few moments, a Mourning rally will begin, and later the funeral cortege will move to the Great National Assembly Square, where the Declaration of Independence was adopted in 1991.

UPDATE The lifeless body of the first president of the Republic of Moldova, Mircea Snegur, was brought to the Palace of the Republic. The funeral ceremony will end at 12 o'clock, and afterwards there will be a mourning rally.

UPDATE: At 9:45 a.m., the state funerals began at the Palace of the Republic. Several people came to the Metropolitan Cathedral to pay their last respects to the first president of the Republic of Moldova, Mircea Snegur. In a short time, the funeral cortege will move to the Palace of the Republic.

We remind that in all localities, as well as at the diplomatic and consular missions of the Republic of Moldova abroad, the state flag will be lowered to half-mast, and at 12:00 the memory of President Mircea Snegur will be honored by observing a moment of silence.

At 9:45, the state funeral began at the Republican Palace.

The ceremony at the Republican Palace will be followed by a mourning rally at 12:00. Afterwards, the Procession will move towards the Presidency and the Great National Assembly Square (PMAN). Mircea Snegur's speech on the adoption of the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Moldova will be screened in the PMAN.

From the Great National Assembly Square, the procession will go to the Central Cemetery on Armeneasca Street. There will be a funeral rally at 2:30 p.m. After the coffin with the lifeless body is buried, the participants of the procession will return to the Republican Palace, where the memorial meal will take place. After the state honors, the coffin will be taken to the Central Cemetery on Armeneasca Str.

The "Teleradio-Moldova" company broadcasts the funeral live.

In connection with the funeral of the first president of the country, Mircea Snegur, road traffic is stopped on several streets in Chisinau. Drivers are urged to respect the requirements of the police.

We remind that between 10:00-11:00, road traffic will be suspended on bd. Ștefan cel Mare and Sfânt, in the area of A. Pușkin str. and S. Lazo str. and on Maria Cebotari str. - the perimeter of bd. Ștefan cel Mare and Sfânt - Bucharest str.

Also, from 1:00 p.m. until 2:00 p.m., road traffic will be closed on Maria Cebotari str.-31 August str. - Sfatul Țării str. - bd. Ștefan cel Mare and Sfânt and the perimeter of Serghei Lazo str.-Ismail str. Traffic will also be stopped on Vasile Alecsandri str., in the Columna str. - Alexei Mateevici str.

We remind that from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., parking adjacent to the Republican Palace will be prohibited.

All those who want to say goodbye and to pay their last respects to former President Mircea Snegur are expected today, at the Republican Palace, starting at 10:00. Mircea Snegur will be buried at the Central Cemetery in Chisinau, on Armeneasca str.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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