
Moldova to eliminate 20% of regulations to boost entrepreneurship

The Government of Moldova has approved a new program to promote entrepreneurship and increase competitiveness. The program aims to support the development of sustainable economic growth in Moldova, specifically productive, competitive, and innovative businesses.

Over 60 entrepreneurs from across the country attended the launch of the program, which they say will help them grow their businesses.

"I came to see what new ideas and strategies the Ministry of Economy and the state in general have for entrepreneurship," said entrepreneur Ruslan Cojocaru. "There are many problems, but that's normal. Any entrepreneur grows through them. The biggest problem is the lack of labour. It is very difficult to find qualified people."

"We produce cleaning products, processing textile and polymer materials," said entrepreneur Angela Chelaru. "The most important thing for our business today is digitalization. We don't have enough knowledge, we are learning every day. Of course, we want to conquer new markets."

"We are stone makers. We have been on the market for a year. We came to the PACC 2023-2027 program to open new doors for our business," said entrepreneur Ion Zaluș. "At the moment, we are working with the Moldovan market, but we want to export as well."

The authorities aim to eliminate at least 20% of the total number of regulations, increase by 25% the number of SMEs that benefit from alternative financing, and develop at least 10 infrastructure and green technology projects.

"The problems are economic shocks, including the war in Ukraine," said Veronica Arpintin, state secretary at the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization. "We also have climate change and a slower pace of adoption of IT technologies. To prepare citizens for the future, you have to start today from kindergarten."

"We have a lot of potential in some areas that simply do not exist or are very small now," said Minister of Economy Dumitru Alaiba. "I am talking about e-commerce and new markets. We have a huge potential in the European market, I say that every time I have the opportunity."

The total cost of implementing the Entrepreneurship Promotion Program in 2023-2025 is estimated at 828 million lei, of which approximately 635 million are provided in the state budget.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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