
Moldovan CEC Reveals List of 64 Parties for October 2024 Elections

The Moldovan Central Electoral Commission (CEC) released on Friday the complete list of political parties eligible to participate in the presidential elections and the constitutional referendum scheduled for October 20, 2024. A total of 64 parties are listed.

Conform legislației electorale în vigoare, doar partidele înregistrate la Agenția Servicii Publice până la stabilirea datei alegerilor au dreptul să desemneze candidați și să participe la alegeri.

Under the current electoral legislation, only those parties registered with the Public Services Agency by the election date are eligible to nominate candidates and participate in the elections.

Political Parties Eligible for the Presidential Elections and Referendum of October 20, 2024

  1. European Social Democratic Party
  2. Communist Party of the Republic of Moldova
  3. Agrarian Party of Moldova
  4. Socialist Party of Moldova
  5. Party of Law and Justice
  6. Christian-Democratic People's Party
  7. Professionals' Movement "Hope-Надежда"
  8. Liberal Party
  9. Party of Working People
  10. Social Democratic Party
  11. Christian-Social Union of Moldova
  12. Socialist Party of the Republic of Moldova
  13. Green Ecologist Party
  14. New Historical Option
  15. Our Party
  16. Republican Party of Moldova
  17. WE
  18. Centrist Union of Moldova
  19. European Party
  20. Democratic People's Party of Moldova
  21. United Moldova - Единая Молдова
  22. Conservative Party
  23. National Liberal Party
  24. Great Moldova
  25. Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova
  26. Social-Political Movement of Roma in the Republic of Moldova
  27. Patriots of Moldova
  28. European Left Party
  29. Union Republic
  30. Popular Party of the Republic of Moldova
  31. Democracy at Home
  32. Party of Regions of Moldova
  33. Christian Agrarian Party
  34. Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
  35. Renaissance
  36. Platform for Dignity and Truth
  37. Alliance for the Union of Romanian Nation
  38. Fatherland
  39. Russo-Slavic Party in Moldova
  40. Progressive Society Party
  41. Diaspora Force
  42. Party of Action and Solidarity
  43. Will of the People
  44. Party of Common Action - Civic Congress
  45. Modern Democratic Party of Moldova
  46. Home Building Europe "PEACE"
  47. For People, Nature, and Animals
  48. Power of the People
  49. Party of Change
  50. Party of Development and Consolidation of Moldova
  51. Chance
  52. Party of National Progress
  53. Alternative and Rescue Force of Moldova
  54. Party for the Future of Moldova
  55. Coalition for Unity and Prosperity
  56. National Alternative Movement
  57. Moldovan National Party
  58. League of Cities and Communes
  59. Respect Moldova Movement
  60. Social Reform Movement
  61. Victory
  62. Unity
  63. Phoenix Moldova
  64. National Reunification Party "HOME"

Translation by Iure Tataru

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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