
20 Moldovan businesses to receive funding for dual vocational education

The funding will be provided through an entrepreneur support program. Beneficiaries will be selected through a competition. Company representatives say that dual education helps them find new workers.

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More than 30 companies in the country have been informed by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of Moldova about the new program. Entrepreneurs have said that thanks to dual education, they have hired over 100 graduates of colleges and vocational schools.

"We had about 22 people who were on internships last year, this year we have 24, we are trying to place them in the workforce. We need both labour and ambitious young people. It is a very important program because last year we participated in the first edition, we were the winners, we benefited from some very high-performance equipment," said Igor Golban, an entrepreneur.

"Such programs are necessary for economic agents because they also bear a lot of costs in the process of training young people. The employment rate is over 65%. Since 2014, we have trained over 500 children. If we want to raise the country's economy, we can only do it together with educational institutions and economic agents," said entrepreneur Vadim Bubulici.

Of the 147 companies in Moldova that implement dual education, 20 will benefit from the necessary equipment on a competitive basis.

"Switzerland supports Moldova in several sectors, such as supporting the health system, local authorities, civil society, and more national reforms. A very important sector is economic development," specified Guido Beltrani, director, cooperation, Switzerland.

"The equipment that the 20 beneficiaries will procure under this program will be very useful for preparing young people within the company. Some of the steps that we will promote in this project relate to the training of master instructors, the preparation of programs, after which these young people will be taught within the company, but also the equipping of them with equipment," said Sergiu Harea, president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Moldova.

The total value of financial support provided by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Swiss government is 400,000 euros.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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