
Moldelectrica received drones from the USA. Employees were trained by American experts on how to use them

Moldelectrica employees will be able to intervene more quickly in case of accidents at high-voltage power lines, and this will increase the efficiency and safety of electricity transmission services. Through the USAID mission, the United States Government donated ten drones. The event took place in the village of Corbu in the Dondușeni district, where, for four days, the 13 employees were trained by American experts.

Sursa: Moldelectrica/Facebook

Drones are of the latest generation and come to improve the process of inspecting and optimizing power line maintenance processes.

“These drones are medium weight. They are designed with light systems and cameras which help in inspecting power lines to verify their operationality. Drones can also provide an alarm signal in case of potential risk. It takes a lot of training and practice to make sure you can monitor a drone effectively," said Bret Benkowski, an American instructor.

USAID has been collaborating with "Moldelectrica" for more than a decade in various fields, and the goal is to strengthen the cyber security of the institution, to carry out feasibility studies in the field of renewable energy and to facilitate the interconnection of the electricity system of the Republic of Moldova, with that of Romania and the European Union .

"USAID is committed to supporting the Government of the Republic of Moldova in achieving long-term energy security and providing homes and businesses in Moldova with electricity in a stable and affordable way. Today's donation, in the amount of 1 million dollars, will provide "Moldelectrica" with a more efficient way to monitor transformer stations and overhead lines in the open air", said Jeff Bryan, head of the USAID mission in Moldova.

"It is gratifying that, from now on, ÎS "Moldelectrica" will be able to inspect from above the 4700 km of high voltage line under management. The intervention time in exceptional situations will be reduced. Also, the use of drones will significantly contribute to streamlining the management and monitoring processes of high voltage networks", said Sergiu Caramanschi, deputy director of "Moldelectrica".

The State Secretary of the Ministry of Energy, Constantin Borosan, was also present at the event, who urged young people to stay in the Republic of Moldova and participate in the process of interconnecting the country with the European energy system.

"Our country needs engineers. We will build the Balti-Suceava power line, which will interconnect our country even more strongly with the EU, with Romania, which means greater energy security. Together with the US partners we want to identify other routes to interconnect".

The "Energy Security of the Republic of Moldova" project has a duration of four years, through which USAID will invest at least 60 million dollars in the diversification of the energy sector.

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