
EU launches €7 billion transport projects call, open to Moldova and Ukraine

The European Commission (EC) launched a €7 billion call for transport projects on Tuesday, with Moldova and Ukraine eligible to apply for funding for the first time.

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The call is open to all EU member states and aims to finance new infrastructure, modernization, and improvements on the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). Projects can be submitted for rail, inland waterways, maritime or river ports, and road infrastructure.

"I am launching today, through the Connecting Europe Facility, a new call for projects worth €7 billion, open to all EU Member States. For the first time, Moldova and Ukraine can participate with their own projects to better connect them to the European transport network. Romania was successful in the last call for projects, taking almost 10% of the total amount. I hope to repeat the performance in this call. Applications are open from today, September 26, until January 30, 2024," said Adina Vălean, the EU Commissioner for Transport.

Funded infrastructure projects will improve safety and interoperability on the EU's transport network. The call also targets projects that improve the resilience of transport infrastructure to natural disasters. These investments will support the competitiveness of the internal market, for both passengers and goods, for a better quality of life, and for emissions reduction.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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