
The new Minister of Finance, Petru Rotaru, took the oath of office

The new Minister of Finance, Petru Rotaru, took the oath of office today, in the presence of President Maia Sandu.

"I thank Mr. Petru Rotaru for showing his openness to join the government team. The expectations of society and the business environment are clear, we want less red bureaucracy for honest business people and we want you to act firmly against those who try to evade taxes and circumvent the law. We want more transparency in public procurement and we want efficiency in the administration of state resources, including resources generated internally and external assistance. Your experience in the field of tax administration is valuable for further efforts to reduce bureaucracy in tax and customs. Next year the new Customs Code will come into force and you will have a lot of work to implement its provisions.

(...) You will lead the institution that watches over the good and prudent use of public money, our money of all, and it is a very responsible mission. Resources are always limited, regardless of which country we are talking about, even more so in our country we need to spend money judiciously, to be able to meet current needs, but also to be able to make investments for the development of the country", said Maia Sandu .

Also, the head of state thanked Veronica Sirețeanu for the work carried out at the Ministry of Finance.

We remind you that yesterday, September 27, Prime Minister Dorin Recean proposed Petru Rotaru as Minister of Finance, after Veronica Sirețeanu went on maternity leave.

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