
Doctors urge Moldovans to adopt healthy lifestyles for World Heart Day

Doctors in Moldova are urging citizens to adopt healthy lifestyles to reduce the risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death in the country.

According to the National Public Health Agency, the incidence of heart disease in Moldova increased by 1.2 times in 2022 compared to 2021.

"Heart disease is a silent killer, and one in three people in the world is affected," said Lucia Pârțu, a cardiologist. "If detected early, this pathology can be controlled through a healthy lifestyle and medication."

Ina Palii, head of the Pediatric Cardiology Clinic at the Mother and Child Institute, said that four out of five people do not realise they have hypertension, a major risk factor for heart disease.

"A healthy lifestyle, which includes healthy eating, regular exercise, and avoiding smoking and alcohol, can help reduce the risk of heart disease," she said.

To raise awareness of the issue, students from the Raisa Pacalo Medical College organised a flash mob at the Mother and Child Center. They held signs that said "Life is a priority" and "Take care of your heart."

"We are promoting a healthy lifestyle and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases," said one student. "They affect a large part of the population of Moldova and the world."

Another student said that the goal of the flash mob was to raise national awareness about heart disease.

"Heart disease is caused by stress and emotional factors," she said.

A third student said that it is important to take care of one's health, even if it is difficult to do so with busy schedules.

"If we take care of our bodies now, we can prevent more serious problems," she said.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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