
Moldova simplifies driver's licence medical examination process

The procedure for driver's licence medical examinations in Moldova has been simplified, with the exam now being conducted by family doctors. The new provision is valid for driver's licences in group I, for amateur drivers.

Sursa: Foto-simbol

Information on mental health or drug and alcohol use will be provided to family doctors within a record three working days by community mental health centres and the Republican Narcological Dispensary, at the request of the doctor.

"Each applicant will only be able to be medically examined when applying to the family doctor on whose list they are registered," said Daniela Ciobanu, vice-director of the Buiucani Traffic Police Department. "Subsequently, the family doctor is required to obtain the applicant's consent to have access to information from community mental health centres and the Republican Narcological Dispensary, regarding mental health and physical and mental capabilities."

Most drivers and future drivers with whom we spoke are in favour of the new order from the Ministry of Health.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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