
Breast cancer early detection centres to open in Moldova

Four new breast cancer early detection centres are scheduled to open in Moldova in October 2023. The centres will be located in the cities of Bălți, Ungheni, Căușeni, and at the Republican Diagnostic Center in Chișinău.

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The centres will provide accessible and specialised investigations for breast cancer, including mammography, ultrasound, and biopsy. The centres will also be staffed by trained specialists in the field of breast cancer.

The opening of the new centres is part of an effort to improve the early detection and treatment of breast cancer in Moldova. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women in the country, with over 1,300 women diagnosed with the disease each year. However, the five-year survival rate for breast cancer in Moldova is significantly lower than in high-income countries, due in part to late detection.

The early detection centres are expected to play an important role in reducing the number of women who die from breast cancer in Moldova. By providing accessible and specialised investigations, the centres will help to ensure that breast cancer is detected and treated early, when it is most curable.

The opening of the new centres is also a welcome development for women in Moldova, who have previously had to travel to Chișinău to access breast cancer investigations. The new centers will provide women with more convenient and accessible care, which could lead to earlier detection and better outcomes.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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