
PHOTO The 36 Moldovan citizens, evacuated from the Gaza Strip, arrived safely in the Republic of Moldova

The 36 Moldovan citizens, evacuated from the Gaza Strip, arrived safely in the Republic of Moldova, the Border Police announced.

Dumitru Petruleac
Sursa: Dumitru Petruleac

"At the Leușeni border crossing point, the state border crossing control procedures are taking place, under a facilitated regime, for our compatriots," states the Border Police.

The compatriots arrived in Romania last night with a special aircraft on board of which there were also Romanian citizens. We remind you that, previously, the Chisinau authorities announced that 36 Moldovans were evacuated from the Gaza Strip. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed that 50 Moldovan citizens from the Gaza Strip requested assistance, including evacuation, out of the approximately 100-120 registered in this area.

Dumitru Petruleac
Sursa: Dumitru Petruleac
Dumitru Petruleac
Sursa: Dumitru Petruleac
Dumitru Petruleac
Sursa: Dumitru Petruleac

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