
President of the Constitutional Court resigns

The President of the Constitutional Court, Nicolae Roșca, resigned today, according to a statement from the High Court, without providing any other details regarding the reasons behind this decision. The source also notes that a new president will be elected tomorrow, November 10.

Nicolae Roșca was appointed as judge of the High Court by the Government Decision in August 2019. On April 25, 2023, he was elected as head of the court, replacing Domnica Manole, whose three-year term had expired two days earlier.

According to the legislation in force, the president of the CC is elected by secret ballot, for a term of 3 years, with the majority of votes of the judges of the Court.

Nicolae Roșca carried out his professional activity at the Faculty of Law of the State University of Moldova, holding consecutive teaching positions as lecturer, senior lecturer, university lecturer.

He was also a member of the Union of Lawyers from the Republic of Moldova, president of the Disciplinary Board of Judges, member of the Scientific Advisory Council attached to the Supreme Court of Justice. Likewise, Nicolae Roșca is the author and co-author of over 75 didactic and scientific publications, including manuals, monographs, and commentaries on laws.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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