
"I am optimistic". Maia Sandu claims that the Republic of Moldova could join the EU earlier than 2030

The Republic of Moldova could become a full member of the European Union earlier than 2030, said the country's president, Maia Sandu, in the program "La 360 de grade" on Radio Moldova. The head of state believes that this would be possible, if, on the one hand, the authorities will make greater efforts, and on the other hand, the community block will keep the openness for the European integration of our country.

"If in less than two years we managed to take important steps, I think it is very real that we will become a member state of the EU by the end of this decade. We made a commitment on our side because we control things here, we have to fulfill all the commitments and reach European standards by 2030 and we hope that the EU will be ready to accept us. We would be happy and we would like this to happen much faster, and I do not rule out that this can happen much faster, if we here internally also work harder and more of us work on this European integration agenda and on the other hand, if the situation in the EU also maintains this openness, then things can happen much faster. I am optimistic", said the president.

Meanwhile, the head of state was also optimistic about the decision of the European Council, which in December will make a final decision regarding the opening of accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova.

"We have to see how things go at the December meeting because something can always happen. We are optimistic, we continue to work, but we have to wait for the final decision, then we will have certainty that we start the negotiations", said Maia Sandu. At the same time, the president said that it is in the interest of the Republic of Moldova that at the European Summit in December, Ukraine also receives a positive response.

"I hope that the decision will be positive for both countries, it is in our interest for Ukraine to follow the same path, to consolidate its democracy and to become a member state of the EU, just as it is in Ukraine's interest for the Republic of Moldova to become a member state of the European Union. Of course, each country has its own commitments, to transform, to reform one area or another in order to reach EU standards, and each one is working on its own agenda, but so far we have gone one step at a time and I hope that the decision in December will be positive for both. I believe that if it is a positive decision, it will be positive for both countries", concluded Maia Sandu.

In the same vein, the head of state claims that the Republic of Moldova cannot become a member state, only after the resolution of the Transnistrian conflict, for that would mean "giving the Kremlin the right to veto the country's integration process". "We admit that in the worst case we will do the European integration in two steps, first the right bank and then the left bank. When people will see how living standards are increasing, how pensions and wages are increasing, how life is improving in our localities, surely they too will want to follow the same path. I think that they still want it today, only that there is the Russian Federation which is growing", the head of state said.

We remind you that, on November 8, the European Commission recommended the European Council to start accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

The final decision regarding the start of negotiations with our country will be taken by the member states at the meeting of the European Council on December 14-15. Recently, MEP Siegfried Mureșan declared that the Republic of Moldova has every chance to start negotiations for joining the European Union by the end of this year, thanks to the reforms carried out by the authorities in Chisinau.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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