
DOC Four judges suspended from office risk being detained. They are suspected of influence peddling and committing acts of corruption (UPDATE)

UPDATE The General Prosecutor's Office announces in a statement that one of the judges is suspected of influence peddling and passive corruption. Therefore, the SCM gave its consent for the initiation of criminal prosecution actions, including forcible bringing, detention, arrest and search. For two other judges, who are suspected of complicity in influence peddling and influence peddling, respectively, consent was issued for the same criminal prosecution actions. The last judge involved is suspected of active corruption. and the anti-corruption prosecutors can start the criminal investigation.

UPDATE Four judges were suspended from office after today the members of the Superior Council of the Magistracy (CSM) approved the notification of the acting general prosecutor, Ion Muntean regarding their search, detention and arrest, announced the acting president of the CSM, Sergiu Caraman.

The Superior Council of the Magistracy (CSM) met today in an extraordinary session. There is only one topic on the agenda. It is about the notification of the interim general prosecutor, Ion Munteanu, regarding the release of the agreement for carrying out criminal prosecution actions regarding some judges.

The meeting started at 08:00 and is being held behind closed doors. For now, it is not known which judges are targeted in the notification submitted by Ion Munteanu. According to NewsMaker, the president Maia Sandu would also participate in the meeting.

We remind you that during the program "La 360 de grade" from Radio Moldova, the head of state Maia Sandu said that she is not satisfied with the way the justice reform is proceeding, but she states that it will continue anyway. The president believes that the reform would have progressed faster if there had been no resistance from the system.

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