
Finland travel alert. MAEIE's recommendations for citizens

Finland temporarily closes some border crossings with the Russian Federation. The Finnish authorities have decided to temporarily suspend the activity of the Nuijamaa, Imatra and Niirala crossing points, on the border with the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova announces. The measure will take effect from November 18 and will be in effect until February 18, 2024. For crossing the border between Finland and Russia, the Vartius and Salla border crossing points remain open.

Sursa: Reuters

"We recommend citizens to watch the announcements of the Finnish Coast Guard - Frontpage | The Finnish Border Guard ( Citizens facing an urgent situation can call for consular assistance at the phone line of the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in Stockholm +46 769 423 423", announces the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

We remind that Finland will close, on the night of Friday to Saturday, half of its border crossing points with Russia, a country it accuses of allowing illegal migrants to cross the border, the Helsinki government announced on Thursday, according to Agerpres. The Finnish Minister of the Interior, Mari Rantanen, announced in a press conference that it is about the Vaalimaa, Nuijamaa, Imatra and Niirala crossing points.

We remind you that the Finnish executive warned on Tuesday that it is considering closing the border with Russia, suspecting Moscow of destabilizing the country, which joined NATO in April. In recent weeks, Finland has seen an increase in the number of illegal migrants originating from the Middle East and Africa, particularly from Iraq, Somalia and Yemen.

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