
Igor Grosu had a meeting with the Moldovans settled in Austria. The progress of the Republic of Moldova regarding European integration, under discussion

At the beginning of the official visit to Vienna, the Parliament Speaker, Igor Grosu, had a discussion with the Moldovans settled in Austria, the Legislative announces. According to the source, our citizens were interested in learning about the progress that the Republic of Moldova is making in implementing the recommendations from the European Commission and the digitalization of public services.

Sursa: multimedia.parlament.md

"We are in full process of reforms, so that we can initiate the accession negotiations as soon as possible", mentioned the Parliament Speaker.

Discussions also touched on everyday worries and concerns for our country, such as the fight against criminal gangs and disinformation, energy security and voter corruption. Igor Grosu told them that a priority of the government is to build strong institutions that can face all challenges.

The participants in the discussion also talked about education and joint cultural projects. "Our citizens abroad know what it means to be part of the big European family, it means democracy, peace and security, academic integrity, modern infrastructure, strong economy. And all this we want for those at home. Only through active involvement, regardless of whether you are in the country or abroad, we will succeed in changing Moldova for the better", was the message sent by the President of the Parliament at the meeting with the representatives of the Moldovan community in Austria.

Igor Grosu is making an official visit to the Republic of Austria, from November 21-23, 2023, at the invitation of his Austrian counterpart.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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