
Moscow sets a new embargo on Moldovan fruits and vegetables

Russia imposes a new embargo on Moldovan fruits and vegetables. The Federal Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Service of Russia justifies the restrictions by detecting some pests. The National Food Safety Agency communicated that the Russians' decision is unfounded and that it affects Moldovan entrepreneurs.

Sursa: Agrobiznes.md

The sanctions come into effect on December 4. The Russian phytosanitary surveillance agency blames the lack of reaction on the part of those in charge in Chisinau, who would have been informed several times about the harmful microorganisms in the fruits and vegetables exported to Russia.

On the other hand, the National Food Safety Agency (ANSA) says that Moldovan entrepreneurs sell fruits and vegetables in over 80 countries, the only state that regularly reports violations is the Russian Federation. Moreover, the European Union market has stricter rules regarding the quality of products and, despite this, Moldovan fruits and vegetables are appreciated by consumers in the Union.

Also, ANSA officials claim that the laboratory reports show that Moldovan products lack those pests referred to by the Russian phytosanitary service. The National Food Safety Agency qualifies Russia's decision to introduce a new embargo on Moldovan fruits and vegetables as unfounded - a sanction that affects producers in our country. Starting from August 2022, the Russian agency periodically imposes restrictions on the export of vegetables and fruits from our country.

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