
LIVE TEXT Mayors' Forum in Chisinau: Maia Sandu asks the Government to significantly increase the salaries of mayors

The Forum of Mayors organized by the Government of the Republic of Moldova at the initiative of President Maia Sandu started in Chisinau. Head of State Maia Sandu, Prime Minister Dorin Recean, ministers, mayors and other officials are present at the event.

UPDATE The mayor of a locality asked the president if those who have a candidate from an extra-parliamentary party will receive funding for some submitted projects and if they will be treated equally with those of PAS.

"The sum of 1.8 billion lei that was allocated to the localities of the Republic of Moldova and, respectively, for localities led by mayors of all political colors is the most concrete proof of the way in which public money is distributed. Now if you ask me about European money, I want to ask YOU, mayors who are against the European Union. You think the European Union has to give you money when you don't support the EU, where is the logic here. State money is and will be correctly distributed among all localities, the money that comes from the European Union and from the tax payers of the EU countries will go to those who share these values", replied Maia Sandu.

UPDATE The question and answer session started. The head of state answers the mayors' questions.

UPDATE Maia Sandu asks the Government to "significantly increase the salaries, first of all, of mayors, deputy-mayors and secretaries of local councils". You can't lead a community towards prosperity with derisory salaries, said the president.

UPDATE Maia Sandu continues her speech in front of the audience and emphasizes the need to improve living conditions in the Republic of Moldova.

"When someone opposes our European path, they actually oppose the money that comes for the development of Moldova, they oppose the peace that is guaranteed in the EU, they oppose the freedoms and democracy that are protected in European countries. We know that some politicians use anti-European rhetoric to gather votes, but a simple analysis shows that Moldova has resisted and even started to develop only thanks to the support of our external partners, and even the politicians know this, because they rest in Europe, they keep their money in Europe, they buy houses there, and I have not seen anyone move to the Russian Federation for a living".

UPDATE Maia Sandu opened the forum with a speech: "What must unite us is a simple goal, a better life for every inhabitant of Moldova. Three years ago, I made a public commitment to all the mayors in our country. I promised that they would respect and I will be the advocate for the independence of the APL and I continue to pursue this mission”.

The Forum program includes two discussion sessions with representatives of the Executive, the Parliament and experts from the associative environment. All 895 mayors from all districts were invited to the event held under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu. During this forum, a totalization of this year will be made and certain objectives will be established for the next period, said Larisa Voloh, President of the Public Administration Parliamentary Committee, during the "Zi de Zi" show.

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