
Uncertainty looms over Ukraine's EU path as Orbán holds keys

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's veto on Ukraine's European Union membership application is facing intensifying pressure from European leaders, following a recent unsuccessful dinner meeting hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron.

MEP Dacian Cioloș of Romania emphasised the broader implications of Orbán's stance: "Failure to address Viktor Orbán would constitute a significant setback not only for Ukraine and Moldova, but also for the European Union as a whole. We cannot allow the entire Union to be held hostage by a single populist leader, especially one with known ties to Putin. European leaders must resist any pressure to cave in. If a decision cannot be reached in December, the President of the European Council retains the option of convening an extraordinary session in January."

Justifying his veto, Orbán has cited concerns over Ukraine's perceived "rampant corruption". International media reports, however, suggest that Orbán's primary objective might be to leverage his veto as a bargaining chip in his pursuit of billions of euros in currently frozen EU funds.

The next critical juncture will be the European Council meeting scheduled for December 14-15th. If Orbán remains steadfast in his opposition, a decision on Ukraine's EU membership bid could be postponed until January, potentially delaying Ukraine's integration into the European fabric and undermining the bloc's united stance against Russia's aggression.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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