
Zimbru Chișinău tackles blood shortage: Inspiring action

Demonstrating a profound commitment to social responsibility, Zimbru Chișinău, a leading Moldovan football club, has partnered with the National Center for Blood Transfusion to launch a year-long blood donation campaign.

This impactful initiative kicked off at the club's stadium in Chisinau, where players and staff members set a commendable example by donating blood themselves, inspiring fans and the broader community to join the cause.

"This campaign aligns perfectly with our values of community engagement and service," remarked Zimbru captain Ștefan Burghiu, who actively participated alongside his wife. "Contributing to the well-being of others is paramount, and we encourage everyone with the capacity to do so. Together, we can make a significant difference in countless lives."

Initially apprehensive about the process, defender Denis Furtună openly shared his experience. "My initial apprehension quickly dissipated," he admitted. "The donation process was smooth and painless, and the potential impact is immense. This campaign is crucial not only for saving lives but also for promoting overall health and well-being. I urge all footballers and everyone within the community to consider participating."

Coach Lilian Popescu emphasised the importance of empathy and social consciousness. "While we are fortunate to be healthy and pursue our passion on the field," he stated, "we must remember those facing challenging circumstances. This initiative provides an opportunity for individuals with good intentions to extend a helping hand by donating blood."

Zimbru Chișinău financier Nicolae Ciornîi expressed the club's unwavering commitment to serving the community. "We believe in leveraging our platform to address critical needs within our society," he declared. "This collaboration with the National Center for Blood Transfusion is a testament to our dedication to making a positive impact."

The National Center for Blood Transfusion warmly welcomed the partnership, acknowledging Zimbru's leadership role. "This initiative, spearheaded by Zimbru Chișinău, exemplifies exceptional social responsibility," stated the Center's vice-director. "We commend their dedication and encourage others to follow their commendable example."

This first event marks the beginning of a year-long collaboration between the club and the Center, solidifying Zimbru's position as a leader not only on the football pitch but also within the wider community.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Dmitri Ciolacu

Dmitri Ciolacu


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