
Number of cases of COVID-19 is increasing in Chisinau

Two wards at the "Toma Ciorbă" Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Chisinau are full of hospitalized patients with COVID-19. The announcement was made during the weekly meeting of the Chisinau City Hall, by the deputy head of the General Directorate of Medical and Social Assistance in Chisinau, Vladimir Bolocan. According to the authorities, another ward is to be opened today at the Municipal Clinical Hospital for Pneumology.

"We had discussions with the administration of the "Toma Ciorbă" Hospital for Infectious Diseases, which reached maximum capacity regarding the beds dedicated to patients with COVID-19. Two wards are full, the last patient was admitted this morning and we have to reactivate the COVID-19 ward at the Municipal Phthisiopneumology Hospital starting today at 15:00. Last week, there was an increase in cases, especially those of medium severity and serious cases", said Vladimir Bolocan.

At the same time, specialists mention that recently the number of patients with viruses has increased by 50% and by 18% - of those with pneumonia, among children. In this context, citizens are asked to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and the flu.

We remind you that, during the past week, 558 cases of COVID-19 were confirmed.

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