
Referendum on the Republic of Moldova’s accession to the EU cannot be organized on the same day as other elections, Central Electoral Commission

The Republican referendum on the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union, which the head of state Maia Sandu spoke about, cannot be organized on the same day as other elections, the secretary of the Central Electoral Commission, Alexandru Berlinschi, stated for Radio Moldova. According to him, the Referendum cannot be organized even 60 days before or 60 days after another election.

The Central Electoral Commission will start the process of organizing the Republican Referendum after the Legislative adopts a decision regarding the date of this election, said the secretary of the Central Electoral Commission, Alexandru Berlinschi. "The date of the Republican Referendum is determined by a decision of the Parliament which cannot take place earlier than 60 days from the date of adoption of the decision of the Parliament. The republican referendum cannot take place on the day of parliamentary, presidential or general local elections, nor 60 days before or 60 days after the day of the elections", said Alexandru Berlinschi.

According to the Electoral Code, the elections for the position of President of the Republic of Moldova are organized within two months from the date on which the vacancy occurred for the position of President of the Republic of Moldova. The date of the presidential elections is set by a decision of the Parliament, at least 60 days before the day of the elections. We remind that the mandate of President Maia Sandu will expire on December 23, 2024.

We remind you that, in her message, after three years of her mandate, President Maia Sandu requested the Parliament to organize a referendum on the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union in the fall of next year. The head of state wants "the voice of the citizens to be decisive" in support of her policy for the European integration of our country.

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