
Inspiring future: Moldovan students abroad shine at annual gala

The 11th Gala of Students of Moldovan Origin saw academic excellence flourish beyond borders, with Cătălin Botezat named "Best Student" for his dedication to mathematics at New York University in Abu Dhabi.

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Sursa: facebook/ Liga Studenților Originari din Republica Moldova

Botezat's triumph symbolised the Gala's mission: recognizing exceptional achievement and inspiring Moldova's future. "This award fills me with pride," he expressed, "and strengthens my resolve to return and contribute to our nation's progress."

Beyond Botezat's victory, the evening unfolded a tapestry of exceptional young scholars. Alexandra Boico, studying in the US, pledged to bring back valuable learning techniques: "This recognition fuels my hope to empower our education system and ignite ambitions in young minds."

A sense of shared purpose and commitment to homeland resonated throughout the event. Constantina Postică, a first-year undergraduate in Paris, cherished the connection: "I'm deeply grateful for this opportunity to be recognized and feel valued back home."

Dumitrița Pălăduță, another laureate, emphasised the power of collective impact: "We are honoured to represent Moldova, and we're committed to returning and sharing our international experiences to cultivate a thriving European community here."

President Maia Sandu underscored the crucial role these students play in Moldova's trajectory: "Your dedication paves the way for our nation's integration into the EU. We eagerly await your contributions in the years ahead."

Encouraging them to be global ambassadors, Sandu declared: "Continue being Moldova's good ambassadors wherever you are. Promote our rich culture, share our stories of resilience, and inspire hope for a future filled with progress and freedom."

The Gala serves as a powerful platform for nurturing Moldovan talent abroad. This year's event showcased not only individual brilliance but also a collective force committed to shaping a brighter future for their nation.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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Sursa: facebook/ Liga Studenților Originari din Republica Moldova
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Sursa: facebook/ Liga Studenților Originari din Republica Moldova
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Sursa: facebook/ Liga Studenților Originari din Republica Moldova
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Sursa: facebook/ Liga Studenților Originari din Republica Moldova

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